What ruined religion for you?
Being kicked out of Christian school prior to the third grade because my Mom bought the wrong edition of the bible.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
Lots and lots of things…well kinda

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>Being kicked out of Christian school prior to the third grade because my Mom bought the wrong edition of the bible.
The is some serious Jehovah's Witness logic right there. WTF.

>Lots and lots of things…well kinda
Fapped your way out of it?

For me, it's when I got hit with the harsh truth that I have limitations that couldn't be compensated with prayers and miracles. Also, people of the church tend to act like a hive mind, implicating outsiders to follow their standard without regards to the personal situation. At this point I just believe religion to be society's moral net, with applied psychological concepts that cause people to behave better.