What's the greatest disappointment you've had to experience?
It could someone disappointing you, you disappointing some else, the way an event/incident turned out that disappointed you etc. 

Hope some of you are willing to share your experiences

Just learn to never be disappointed. Never get your hopes up.

College was a disappointment.

I guess i face disappointment every day really. Nothing ever goes as plant and i think to live is to deal with that and to make the best of it.

Was it due to your own actions or was it due to the people there/something else?

Quote: I guess i face disappointment every day really. Nothing ever goes as plant and i think to live is to deal with that and to make the best of it.

As the saying goes, no plan survives first contact with the enemy.

breakfast at tiffanys

i almost got the chance to take the vaccine a while back but i couldnt

disappointed that there are people still out there not wanting vaccinations

My ex lol she was older than me yet she was not mature. Had no ambition and blamed everyone but herself for everything