What's your favorite anime ?
My favorite anime is Dragon Ball Z
What's your favorite guys ?

[+] 1 user Likes Chris da PPV Hunter's post
steins gate for sure

[+] 2 users Like urg2orugr's post
Dragonball is a classic, but if I had to choose I'd probably go with HxH. Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood is in the mix too.

[+] 2 users Like batman1111's post
Is Dragon ball z
certainly the best

naruto for sure the arcs and storyline is just on another level!

Death note.

Favorite series is Demon slayer, favorite movie is a silent voice

Check out Gintama if you want a comedy.

My favorite anime right now is naruto i started like 4 months ago and took a break im on shippuden right now

My favourite anime is dragon ball z

Dragon ball z for sure

[+] 1 user Likes KyleKorver's post
my favorite anime is yuyu hakusho

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is up there for me

[+] 1 user Likes toothbrush11's post
I would have to go with Death Note. But Dragon Ball Z and Naruto minus the fillers aren't close behind.  I only saw the first season of Attack on Titan but that was amazing too

[+] 1 user Likes Strawhat3d2y's post
steins gate is negative 0/10 my guy

Fate series without a doubt

Fullmetal alchemist

Evangelion blud

Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood is up there for me

I agree with toothbrush11
The show has no filler episodes and is at the same time a comedy, an action series, and a tradegy all in the same series


one punch man or the promised neverland or death note i can't decide