What's your favorite childhood game?
What was your most memorable/hardest to beat/favorite game during your childhood?

Age of Empires 2 for sure, spend hours on the demo alone

I don't think I've met anyone else thats ever played it but Everblue 2 on the PS2, really cool diving game where you explored wrecks, searched for treasure etc, must have put a few hundred hours into it as a kid

The old tony hawk games were always a blast when I was little. From the n64, to the ps2.

You know that you are old when your games were from genesis (Sonic, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe) and Game Boy (Super Mario) :o

I guess the Spyro and Crash Bandicoot games really opened my eyes to the gaming world back then.

sm64 for sure, smg and smg2 were amazing too tho. huge nintendo fan

Donkey Kong Country

I liked Plok for the SNES. The music in that game was amazing

zombies ate my neighbors

I just answered a similar thread to this, but another game I loved was Pajama Sam!

LaSxrenity Wrote:What was your most memorable/hardest to beat/favorite game during your childhood?
Zelda Wind Waker by far, i have so many good memories on this game, I remember being stuck on the first boss for 3 months because I didn't know you needed to use the grappling hook on the dragon's tail

Sacred Gold was a blast for me and my little brother in early 2000s. Also Team Buddies for playstation 1.

I love this thread. Thanks for posting. INSTANTLY came to mind are the early pokemon generations. For me the most nostalgic was Gen 3. I personally played Emerald (still my favorite pokemon game of all time). Man... the soundtrack, the story, the pokemon, the lore and the entire atmosphere will just never be created again. I remember getting my first Gameboy advance SP, pearl blue AGS 101, booting up the came and climbing into a closet to play in solitary silence and happiness, engrossed in the pokemon universe. Pokemon emerald was without a doubt my favorite game from childhood.