What's your favorite game of all time and your reason for it?
My personal favorite game of all time is Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. It was the first game I played when I was younger that I remember completing multiple times in many different ways. I would go through without utilizing any of the upgraded armor and the next time I would avoid getting any of the heart pieces and heart containers.

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I like Portal 2 for its mechanics, story, and characters. The Witcher 3 and God of War are up there too

My favorite would be Dark Souls. When I first played it, I was absolutely amazed by its boss fights and level designs. Its one of the few games that always kept me in anticipation for what was next.

The first game that comes to my mind is Z from The Bitmap Brothers.

a few of the best games i ever played:
GTA 5 / GTA online
GTA Vice City
Batman Arkham City
Assassin's Creed 2
Assassin's Creed Unity (yes i actually liked it)
Besiege (even tho now its been ruined by updates)

my favorite....? cant pick one all of the final fantasy games from 7 on wards except final fantasy 13 is amazing

team fortress 2 because it was so different and i was really good as the spy

Gotta choose bioshock infinite

I'd have to say Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. It was awesome and it was free.

I have to choose Skyrim... The first time I played I remember I could not stop for MONTHS lol everyday after school I got home and played all afternoon and that's all i needed tbh I've played it several times now but nothing like the first one

My personal favorite is Super Mario Bros 3. Probably because I have so much Nostalgia towards it.

Although it is still a really good game with plenty of creative level designs.

Skyrim, played through several times and still can be replayed

World of Warcraft. Because it's absolutely defines it genre and was so ahead of it's time when it was first released.

If you're asking for FAVORITE of ALL TIME? That's got to be Tetris and I'm sure a bunch of other people up here agree with me but just didn't think of it. Come on man, Tetris is just the perfect game. it's the kind of optimized-to-perfection, simplistic game that makes it seem discovered, not created. 7 different possible shapes made of 4 blocks, they stack chaotically and you can play indefinitely or not depending on how good you are. Not to mention it's almost 40 years old. Love it.

Black Ops 2. I think it is one of best CODs and playing it with friends back in the day was unbeatable

Have to go with Witcher 3 here.

-few Bugs
-DLC are not just a cash grab, they deliver content
-multiple endings for many quest and side missions
-replay value
-big Map
-good designed side missions
-Characters well designed
-decisions have impact on the world

Im simple but i played this game series through the years

Namco x Capcom (PS2)
SRW:Endless Frontier(DS)

i just like reiji and xiaomu so much as protagonist and their arch enemy saya

Special mention for these games too
Dragon Quest series(i played 4,5,6,7,8, the rest not yet)
Warriors Orochi(sometimes i just like mindless button smashing)
Izuna series
SMT and persona games

played wow & diablo