What's your opinion of games made by TellTale?
I was once a fan of the company with their installment of the first season of The Walking Dead Game, as interactive choice type games weren't a popular genre but it was always something that peaked my interest. I was thoroughly impressed with the game design, and loved when they released The Wolf Among Us.

However, once you realise that choice is an illusion, and that the story doesn't tend to branch out too far, the magic is ruined. I tend to find myself playing these games nowadays with that feeling of mystery and curiousity gone - does anyone else feel the same?

I'm currently watching a youtuber playing through the first season of The Walking Dead, and it does seem as if there was some innovative ideas behind the project and the direction of your choices, it feels as if there is enough room to explore different choices, but also seems fairly linear enough so you wouldn't wonder if the story could drastically change based on a decision.


the charm of most games is making a great balance of fun gameplay and a good story, you can have a good gameplay exerience with a dumb story, but i tyhink in games like the ones from telltale where the core is the story, people can rlly just throw them away for not reach a great level of history arch , because the gameplay is easy and makes no much sense more than a fancy way to make a choice on them. there is no point on skipping dialogues on this ones cause the gameplay is almost none and in the end it do not rlly matter.

I've only played Tales from the Borderlands, but I thoroughly enjoyed that.

I love all of them. Wolf Among Us is my favorite, I loved the theme and the story. I also liked TWD a lot but I couldn't play the last seasons Sad

Great games for playing with non gamers

I've played their Borderlands.

Loved their earlier ones (Strong Bad, BTTF, Sam & Max) but then all the licenses they got were uninteresting to me and the production values stayed the same so the later ones put me off on that alone.

I quickly realized that your choices don’t really matter. Some of their games have beautifully crafted stories but it is disappointing to see your choices not really pay off... ?

I loved bordelands one

The batman ones are pretty fun I thought.

Love the storylines, that's it