What's your opinions on VR?
I think its very cool and can have many potential uses

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Too clunky for me, never was a fan of using one (although it is great for losing weight as it requires a lot of movement) but I prefer watch people play with VR rather than myself, maybe because I never owned one myself? very possible.

I love VR but its too expensive for me. I would rather spend that money on a better PC for now !

Had the opportunity to test it once, was a completely new way of gaming, but unfortunately way too expensive for me.

Cool, but who tf has the money for that

Once it's potential is reached it'll be really cool

want to love it, but it gives me motion sickness

Higher refresh rate needs to be more main stream like the Valve index. Otherwise the motion sickness will get to me.

i like it, but most games are shit

combining it with FPS it would be amazing

Not a fan and most likely never will be but to each their own

want to love it, but it gives me motion sickness