What's your preferred way of finding new music?
Curious as to what people's methods are for finding new music to listen to. I'm trying to broaden my musical horizons, so I've been lurking on r/listentothis, but it can be hard to deal with the constant reposts and "same-y" feeling genres.

Anyone have a favorite method of finding new bands and artists?

Random youtube searches and looking at sugestions using a guest account

Radio on Spotify or YT Music. They'll provide songs similar to the one we're currently listening to.

Spotify is great but some small singers use Beats with copyright and you can only find them un YouTube

I just use youtube and go by what they recommend me

Honestly, I trust friends and family more than anything. Gives me access to a large pool of music, but with the added benefit of them knowing me and their ability to say "you'd like this" or "yeah, that's not for you."

Youtube recommends

spotify is pretty alright if you have premium, else it can be quite a pain

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Remixes of original songs and through that artist other songs they've made or remixed which then I go to the original

Spotify playlists, or pandora I find to be another great way.

specialized groups on

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Premium Spotify is good for this, it automatically creates "made for you" and "discover new music" based on what you've been listening to, and "taste breakers" if you want to check out new genres and artists

Spotify is solid for that

Spotify is definitely a solid go-to as suggested above. I also found that with songs that might have been sampled, I got to the original sample of the song and see if I vibe with that! One example is "Lady - Hear Me Tonight" by Modjo, it's original sample is a smooth and funky song called "Soup For One" by Chic.

Surprisingly enough, Spotify weekly playlist for me does the job because most of the music are good recommendations.