What system do you mostly play games on?
Just wondering if you mostly play games on the PC or consoles, and, in the case of consoles, which ones.

I mostly game on the PC but sometimes on the switch for exclusives.

Almost exclusively PC for me.

Same, PC because on consoles you have to buy the games, on PC I can pirate them and if I like them i may consider buying.

I only play games on the PC except for a single title. This one being Halo: Reach on my 360.

PC and phone is a close one cause handy

Ps4 I prefer it over xbox

Nintendo 64 lol

Used to play PC but moved to Series X for the stable 4K frame rate

Almost 99% on PC but also play console exclusive game.

Mostl play on pc and mobile

Sadly never got into hardcore PC gaming and stuck with consoles from the Gamecube to Playstation

Still on my 360

mostly pc these days

i play on PC. been playing MHW for some time now

PC only, ever since Halo came out on steam

Ps4 and Switch for me

PC, sometimes on my xbox one for games that I bought a long time ago and dont wanna buy or go through the hassle of using torrents to pirate them.