What will be of Netflix in 5 years? Is it now doomed to fail like Blockbuster?
Which would be somewhat ironic, I must say

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I don't think it is going away anytime soon. As long as there isn't some better way of transfering shows to people, Netflix will still rule. I can't imagine any current technology that can do something like that

I can see the growth decline, and maybe even stagnate with how things are going.

Netflix will probably ok as they have enough scale. Clearly some of the services will fall by the wayside though, there's just too many now (Amazon, Disney+, TV companies)

Unfortunately Netflix is going downhill - increased rates with less value

Think Netflix definitely on downward slope because of all the alternatives, but will still be around for a few years. The ones who moved from normal TV will stick with them until they get too bad

The problem is that netflix itsself does not own to much. Disney and the others realized that streaming is the new thing, which means that they will not sell their content to netflix anymore and just host it themself. 
Netflix has to react somehow and the announcement of advertisements is not liked by the users. Right now it looks bad