What would've happened had the Capitol protestors found the government officials?
I personally think that the theories of them kidnapping and executing the senators and Pence are a little blown out of proportion. I think more realistically they would get into the senators faces while holding their phones to berate them. I know some people had weapons and zip ties, but do you really think we were this close to a mass execution? Maybe it could've and I just don't want to believe that something that bad could've happened, and mob mentality really could lead to something like that happening.

Could have been worse, they evacuated at the right time

I doubt they'd be able to do anything.

Honestly don’t think much would happen. Maybe threats but that’s it

scary to think about

i dont think much wouldve happened tbh

I think the people would do just as you said, get in their faces and yell a lot but further than that I doubt anything would happen. They maybe protestors or rioters or whatever, but they are still human.

Bad things, but the real question we should ask is what would've happened if people did their jobs aside from political allegiances and approved the national guard to be there beforehand

In reverves if Democrats and antifa are the ones rallying it will be much worse and the media will report all fake news..

That’s pretty scary to think about tho seriously wow