What would you do with 1 billion dollar ?
So let's say one day you wake up and you see +1B on your bank account and you know it's legit (somehow)

What would you do ? And what would you do FIRST ?

Move out ? Buy a house ? Buy a car ? Buy food ? Give money to your family/your friends ? Buy 1B$ worth of OF ?

Invest it into real estate and stocks. With a lot more make sure family is living the life maybe start businesses which can be passed down generations to keep your last name wealthy

Invest most of it. Make sure that i can live VERY comfortably for the rest of my life. Probably use a little to buy some cars

I would invest a certain amount to generate income for me so that I won't ever have to slave away for the man again. Then I'd set myself up with a small side of play money. The rest would be used for buying real property, starting or buying a business. The rest would be long term investments in solid companies, and a bunch hidden in safes because fuck banks for their shit.

I wouldn't be here, that's for sure!

Quote:I wouldn't be here, that's for sure!

Truth, if truth was ever told.