Whats the best youtube video you've seen

Got a long night with a broken leg and f all else to do so thinking of spending NYE prowling through youtube and boring my self to death rather than watch everyone having a wicked night out.


Anything by the Slow Mo Guys.


RE: Whats the best youtube video you've seen.

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 if youre a friends fan

canon D played by some sick guitar player

Definitely this one:

RE: Whats the best youtube video you've seen.

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Ab10adu Wrote:Hey,

Got a long night with a broken leg and f all else to do so thinking of spending NYE prowling through youtube and boring my self to death rather than watch everyone having a wicked night out.

best youtube video is lauryn hill at austin city limits

markiplier is pretty funny

psi gangdam style was a fucking movement

Ab10adu Wrote:Hey,

Got a long night with a broken leg and f all else to do so thinking of spending NYE prowling through youtube and boring my self to death rather than watch everyone having a wicked night out.

the video where gyro goes pizza mozzarela

Anything with Alex Jones. He makes me laugh and wonder how he got this far.

Epic meal time in their prime

YouTube Rewind

I seem to remember watching a lot of HotforWords when I was younger, so that's my recommendation.

Smarter Every Day and Mark Robber are great

Colin Furze has a pretty funny channel.