When do you think augemented reality will be used in porn?
Would you be up for it. To see your favorite model prancing around in your living room ?

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I could see this starting with animated, will be awhile before real porn.  At least anything that is worthwhile

Depending what you consider augmented reality, we could be in the first stages already with open souce teledildonics software and hardware out there

FArrrrr down the line maybe not even 30 years from now it just isn't sexually viable

Going off of current technology we're 20 years off for it being "oke" and 30+ from it being good.

I feel it will take a while seeing how slow VR is moving

There’s some hentai stuff out I think but I can’t wait for it to be mass

Whenever it comes out it would. It's the rule of humanity. Everything can be porn

Tecnically they already are. VR is a huge market for porn

Maybe on the Oculus Rift at some time.

We will see what happens when Apple clones Google Glasses.

There's not that much 3d video content yet, I don't even know when they'll get around to doing AR. Probably won't be like the movies though. VR is ok, still pricey for most

I'd say in the range of 10-20 years

Soon I imagine.