When do you think life will return to normal?
It won't ever be the same tbh, who knows what it will be like on the other side of the virus, no one can know,for certain personally I think this might be start of lots more jobs and school moving online.

End of summer, I think

i've no idea when it will get back to normal (if i were to guess, i'd say in a few months), but i hope we learn from this and take action in order to prevent this from happening again. sadly, history shows that people have a tendency to forget and not care enough to worry about a possible future scenario that they believe wont happen again.. because it already happened right? we were warned by experts and famous people like bill gates several years ago and not a single thing changed. we will continue repeating mistakes until we absolutely have no other option.

At least 6 months or more.

not before the end of the year, surely. there will be a second wave of this thing and the vaccine won't be ready until next year. maybe they'll be able to have tiered lockdowns for regions, but i feel we're going to see cycles of reopening things, seeing cases spike, then shutting down again.

I have a feeling precautions are going into the fall

by this summer I hope Sad

Im hoping we can return to mostly normal by summer. But until a vaccine is easily available we won't be fully past this

I’m worried about it, like, we don’t know what all this disease will look like in the future, and how long it will take to create a vaccine against covid-19 ... it’s super worrying, the only thing left is to have faith in science

2 months give or take we'll be out of quarantine and whatnot

Probably not for several months at least until we get a vaccine if then

Hopefully people will realize how corrupt the government is

Realistically for the world to go back to normal it'd take a few years. i imagine countries will have stricter border policies limiting who passes through. each community return to normalcy will depend on how discipline people are in self isolating themselves. whenever i see news article headings with people gathering in masses, it makes me think how ignorant and selfish these people are

1-2 months i reckon

Depends where you live to be honest.  To be on the safe side, end of 2021 - cause a vaccine would hopefully be distributed midway through next year.  But like I said in some countries it will be a lot earlier than that its just a matter of residence.

Maybe I'm pessimistic but I'm thinking a couple years.

This all depends on the curve flattening and the development of the vaccine. Countries around the world haven't even peaked yet on their COVID cases but if that curve flattens then plummets as soon as a few months from now, I'd say it's a good start. With the vaccine however, it's going to take forever and most scientists aren't even sure if it's going to be effective as time comes. I'm giving it around next year around feb or march before things go back to normal. This shit far from over.

I think it will only truly go back to normal after we have a vaccine...but it will not be the same nonetheless imho.

5 or 3 months seems reasonable anymore and people will lose their mind

I guess summer has to be normal again, ppl want to go make holidays