When do you think life will return to normal?
Will it ever be completely the same? Will we ever return to life like it was pre-COVID19? Does that worry anyone?

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I hope it won't be completely the same, hopefully we learn some lessons from this and implement them going forward

And what exactly do you mean by lessons?

Yeah I believe life will return to normal soon enough, maybe in 2-3 months?

It would be nice if we never had to do this whole thing again.

I hope it ends by summer and the world learns a thing or two ,but let's be honest. This will all be forgotten about by next year.

I think it will get better by the summer and them it will return back in late winter all over again. But by then hopefully we have a vaccine.

Ofcourse will it turn normal but for the better side , we learn more in these times. Times like these are essential for development

The summer should get better, whether or not it returns in the fall is the big question. Also it depends if the infected can get sick again. If it can infect the same person twice, herd immunity is essentially useless

It will take a little time . Ideally total 49 days .

I don't think anything will change for the majority of people. Those who have the power to change the world won't want to, and the rest of us can only be what change we want to see in the world. Just be good to each other, it's the most important step.

probably not, but hopefully it clears up within a month or two

Probably by the end of the summer

I think it will take at least three months to everything comes back to normal.
And even then, we'll have to change a lot of social protocols.

My guess is it wont die down until the Fall at least, and everyone will be cautious and more distant. But It will go away after some time, probably going into 2021.

Probably when the vaccine is ready

I'm pretty sure it will still take quite some time, to go back to some kind of normal.
But the new normal will probably be a bit different from before.

I’m hoping it will go back to normal soon

really seems like this will change society permanently. certain things will be lost and won't come back or recover for a very long time

Hoping for May-June but who knows at this point. There will be many things going forward that will change long term, imho, in regards to social practices, public hygiene, and business models (restaurants), sick leave, employee status. This is already going long term changing the climate of public world events and festivals, including sports and the Olympics. I wonder if the shifting of 2020 Olympics will result in a 2025 Olympics or remain on schedule for 2024.