When do you think we’ll truly “return to normal”?
COVID-19 has been going on for almost two years now and although the vaccine looked like it would bring about the end of the pandemic, it seems like that still isn’t anywhere close to the case. When do you guys think that we’ll realistically return to normal? Will we ever?

I’d love to know your thoughts on the matter.

Hopefully soon, but it may not be "totally normal" for a while. I don't even know what normal looks like anymore. I've been working from home this whole time, and it would probably suck to have to go back in... I'm just too used to it.

I dont think COVID19 is ever "going away" but it'll definitely get to a point where it's manageable hopefully by the end of 2022

eh, give it a few years and it will be close to normality I think. But with how this year has gone, it can be anyones guess as to how it plays out.

The answer is never, you've already given them everything they wanted why would they ever give you your freedoms back.

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Never. Those who got the actual vax (and not the saline shot for their control group) surrendered their freedom for a sense of normalcy. That's why they're making war on those that are unvaxxed. They won't give us our freedom back if we continue to surrender to them.

And it's not a vaccine. This is a gene therapy mRNA experiment. It's meant to replace your entire immune system with a synthetic system that requires constant booster shots to keep working. As far as covid-19 goes, all the shot will do is make your symptoms less shitty. You can still die from covid-19. But you can also die from this shot.

We're already most of the way there. Besides occasionally wearing a mask when required my life is basically the same as 2019 again. I work in-person, go out to eat, go to events, and meet friends and family. There is no political capital left for more lockdowns or restrictions, so I only see what measures we have left gradually lessening over the next couple of years.

This "the whole thing was a psyop to take away your freedoms" narrative that others are posting doesn't seem accurate. Most states actually rolled back public health protections during the pandemic. My prediction is that this is the "ObamaCare" political football of the 2020s and that in a few decades absolutely nobody will care about COVID or see it as having had a significant effect on history/politics.

Its mostly back to normal. There's just more data / surveillance depending where you live. The economy is going to change a lot in the next months / years though. FED pumping $s as we speak - there will be inflation and a big push towards investments.