When do you think you'll buy an electric car?
The electric car future seems inevitable. Many manufacturers are aiming to switch to 100% electric over the next decade or two. When do you think you'll make the switch to electric?

Biggest barrier right now still seems to be cost, but I'd imagine in the next 10 years, there should be plenty of good options available. Probably once my current car runs it's course, I'll switch it to electric

Personally I've been saving up for a tesla for a while. I'll probably get enough to get one in like maybe three years.

I don't usually buy new cars so whenever there's enough of them out there that a decent used electric car isn't too expensive

Next year. That is my target.

[+] 1 user Likes rajukaka's post
Good luck for car

I wish I could have one now, they are going to be common in the future so hopefully everyone will have one at some point this generation

Whenever the overall market price comes down. They are a bit too pricey still but hoperfully supply and demand will balance it out

This is the wrong time to buy one. And if you have regular blackouts (loadshedding) where you live, good luck, your car won't be charged anytime soon. Society has to get more peaceful and properous, and these cars have to severely drop in price, along a severe increase in range and drop in charging time, before electric cars will be worth buying.

I hope to buy one for my next car, but I'm holding out I don't need to buy for a few years

Probably never because it's not worth it.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
Probably not for a while until it becomes more affordable, they improve battery tech and there is more infrastructure for charging them.

When I move out of an apartment…

Probably in 5-10 years, when the battery will have the same autonomy as diesel

Never. I will drive gas until its outlawed and then move to another country