When do you upgrade your computers to get Max graphics on new games
I have always been someone who will buy the best at the time, my current computer i built in 2012 and spent around 2.5k on. It still plays new games but def not a Max Grapics anymore. I could upgrade the GPU probably and get some more life at it but in my mind thats usually a 3rd of the computers cost and id almost rather just build a new one again as my last one has almost lasted 10 years with no complaints really.

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If you just built a new PC would you a get a better gpu, but just not one that's as expensive as the one you'd buy if you just upgraded the gpu? If you plan to save and get the gpu and the rest of the part to build a new PC I would suggest doing that. The PC has lasted 10 years it should last another year or two right?

I do it all at once when ever i change pc parts out that way its easy to know how long ive had it

If you can't play the new game as an intermediate option, replace it.

I run "can it run" on desktop and once the games I want to play are below a certain framerate then I switch out.