When is it the right time to upgrade?
Yes yes the age old question however my pc which currently has dual 1080s STILL manage most games I feelthe need for an upgrade, the pc itself is about 5 years old.... does anyone have some tips?

Like I don't want to be wasteful, however trying to use the elgato only hits about 30 fps which hurts

Depends on use case, as in are you running 1080p 144hz, 1440p or 4k? And then depening on that what fps do you get in the games you play?

Well i'm running most at 1080p (aiming for 144hz) but i'm starting to see the latest games either... barely reaching 80 fps or just not working stable.

It is mostly an upgrade to handle current games at the fastest (quality only matters for the first couple of hours) but... I don't want to be wasteful so, finding out how long I have left with the current pc helps...

Rummor has it, by the end of the year, the GPU shortage will be over, most likely miners will flood the markets with 3000 series cards as well.
You waited so far, what's another couple of months? i'm in the same boat FYI

The thing with the GPU shortage is it's wishful thinking. There are so many backlogs in supply chains rn that it's hard to be sure when things will be reasonable. If you try hard to get a 3090 you could reasonably sell your 1080s for a decent price and get a good upgrade and value. I was able to sell some old 750Tis I had for close to what I paid (after fees at least)

just make do with what you got and hope for this shortage to end sooner than later