When will C finally become obsolete for general systems development?
Do Rust or Go have enough advantages to warrant finally discarding C?

(C++ is likely to hang around for awhile for embedded systems/firmware development, obviously.)

C will probably stick around for a while

Too many already existing compilers for embedded systems. Too much legacy code to maintain.

Plus it is still the primary language taught in schools so until they switch all new people will still used C in the embedded space

I don't thinck so. C++ is great for it's fast execution. For finance is the best in HFT.

C will always be around as a language to teach systems level concepts I believe. But I think we are going to see a shift away from it in the industry within the next decade

C is a good language to start with, it is a great language to write programs for microcontrollers

yeah C is good for what it does, but perhaps Go will replace it in the near future

C is going to stay for a while, there are many things that are really old, yet stay the same in society.  One example of this would be how we use lightbulbs instead of LED, when the lightbulb was invented many many many years ago.

not going anywhere unless linux dies off which wont happen

Not will C remain relevant for legacy support, but also since it's still one of the fastest languages, so it has values in markets like high frequency trading programs.

C is good with what it was designed for. There is no such thing as completely replacing it. You might have more programming languages like Rust and go being used for some things instead of C, but C will always be there