When will vr reach mass adoption?
It still seems to be a niche in gaming. Could there be a killer app released that does it?

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Most likely when it requires less space to play, the price is lowered, it becomes it's own separate console, and there are released more AAA games, and more popular games on the system

Maybe not for health reasons

About the same time VR porn reach mass adoption :-D

I despise the Facebook buyout of oculus. Requiring a Facebook account is absolute BS. The $300 price tag for the cheapest model is amazing, but there’s no way that I’m going to spend money on games that Facebook could just take away. There was a story of someone who posted video footage of gameplay and the account was locked with hundreds of dollars of games. Total BS.

Definitely within the next 10-15 years I think. Same thing happened with smartphones.

A lot of the barrier of entry is cost. The headsets themselves are expensive, and the computers to drive them even more so. I think it'll definitely get more affordable, but it'll certainly take a decent length of time.

Heard that Elon is thinking about nerve gear ?