Where should I start?
Decided i wanted to get into programming over the quarantine. What i a good website to start learning from, and, what should be my first language? I know relatively very little about computer programming. 


[+] 1 user Likes Jumbo_123's post
start with python - it's super easy, currently popular and that isn't likely to change in the short term. I don't have any recent experience with python web courses but whatever is near the top of google probably isn't *that* bad and will at least get you started - once you have the basics sorted you can basically teach yourself using whenever you run into problems

[+] 1 user Likes Dslg01's post
Start with python
Has a lot of resources to help you

[+] 1 user Likes JustAnotherDay's post
Try Codecademy, udemy or coursera for online courses in introduction in python

4chan sometimes has nice threads on the tech boards

Python is a good language to start with. Look up opencourseware courses on it if you want a more formal and structured approach to learning it.

[+] 1 user Likes sexyflex508's post
As many others here have already said, Python is a good beginner language because it's easy to learn, read, and use. There are a ton of free courses online, I'd personally recommend udemy if you are a visual learner or find a highly reviewed book. I suggest you always take a break and tinker with the code while learning. It's easy for a lot of newbies to get stuck copy pasting code and running it so don't let that happen. Good luck!

Python, so many tutorials online

Codeacademy is a great source to help you start out.

I recommend Learn Python the Hard way

[+] 1 user Likes lwantedfapfap's post
i think basic courses of python a pretty good for newbies

Python, and get a raspberry pi its a great little pc to program on

[+] 1 user Likes blackshark's post
Quote:Start by getting into school !
Start by getting into school !

Thanks guys as a guy that wanted to learn too!

Start by learning the concepts. Programing language dose not matter. Learn hot to express yourself and understand the computer adn its functions. them picsk the laguage to grinde

As everyone else has said python is the way to go

Python is very good for beginners. As for tutorials i would recommend codecademy oder w3schools!

Thank you guys for this thread I think I will try out python as well

Udemy courses are great. Figure out what you want to do (eg. web development, backend development, game dev etc.) and research what languages/technologies you need to learn for what you need to do. Then just go on udemy and search for "intro to"+[language] and you'll find a course. Make sure you only get high rated courses and make sure you only buy when they're on sale for around $10-$15

Honestly, find a simple project that you want to create and start with that, googling everything you need along the way.