Which Valorant Region will win Masters 2?
Any fans of the Valorant pro scene? Who do you think will win Masters 2?

Personally, I only follow the NA scene. Sentinels look like the best team but I don't know if they will be able to keep TenZ.

I did catch the finals of the EU masters 1. cned looks insane and a slightly better Jett than TenZ (they are both insane though).
And overall, EU looks like the strongest scene. NA only really has 1 amazing team (Sentinels), and a few tier 2 teams - Envy, FaZe and maybe GenG

I've heard a lot of good things about Vision Strikers from Korea. But I'm not too sure about the other teams in that region.

If i had to rank the regions in terms of power I would go.

EU > NA = Vision Strikers > BR > Rest of Korea > LATAM > JP

I think a team from EU, Sentinels or Vision Strikers can take Masters 2 in Iceland.