Which era of music do you feel like had the deepest impression to your memories?
I was born in the 90s so songs especially during 2009 were unforgettable and will always sound nostalgic. What about you guys? Or were there any particular songs that are imprinted into your brain?

For a lot of people it's the music they listened to in their formative years, ie as a teenager. I know that's true for me. Late 90's/early 2000's pop-punk will always have that nostalgia factor since it brings back so many memories of high school

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Yeah, late 90s through the early 2000s rock/pop punk kinda stuff is definitely what stayed with me and like to listen to now. Stuff like Green Day and MCR really hit that nice nostalgia spot for me personal

2000-2005 had the best music I loved it.

The 1800s were a hoot, the people were so reserved.

Yeah honestly it has to be the 90’s. Some of the greatest music came out of that era

Definitely 90s anime theme songs and 00s Linkin Park and Billy Talent

I may not look it on the outside, but I was definitely emo on the inside middle school to like sophomore year so pop punk was super big for me. But I'd also say 90s to 2000 hip hop too cause my mom was a teenager when she had me and that's what she would listen to all the time growing up. From Green Day to Usher lmao

I was made to grow up on older music. And then there was public school, where I played an instrument. So I learned the classics of music. What made the most impressions on me were Big Band Jazz and the Blues, combined with Psychedelic Rock. To this day, I can hear the jazz/blues base in all modern rock metal. Even in Death Metal I can hear it. Things sound different when you where they came from.

I'd say 2010's just because that's what I grew up with