Which game would be perfect in Movie/Serie form?
The Witcher is awesome (even though it's based on the books)

i would like to see something with The Last of Us (or in that universe)

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Still waiting on a film for the Metal Gear series. Not sure which game would be best for that, though.

NieR could possibly work, too, but that's probably my bias saying that.

I'd love to see a Metro series adaptation

Probably World of Warcraft, would be big as Game of Thrones, but the amount of money that must be thrown there is insane, so prob won't happen

Mass Effect. Sci-fi with alot of unexplored lore. Would be a solid series. Not a fan of game movies thoug

Red Dead would make for a great TV series.

My favorite gaming-movie is still the first Silent Hill movie. I feel like that series lends itself well to original stories in the universe.

Too bad about that second movie...

Grand Theft Auto and Far cry 3

Stalker games. Or Yakuza.

Yakuza series would be awesome for sure

I'd like to see Destiny get a movie/series.

GTA would make for a good series I think, there's enough of an episode thing going on in gameplay to work

I wouldnt mind phantasy star online turned into a series

League of Legends has so much content a series would be killer

To the Moon would be great as an anime or movie as long as its faithful to the game

Starcraft. Would love to see that.

any game with a linear story and that's semi realistic should make for a good series

red dead, the last of us, etc.

imo games are more suited for serial works rather than movies. for long single player games, people play them a little bit at a time, rather than try and go through the entire thing like a movie.

Yakuza. Pretty much any game with a great story.