Which sports 'create' the hottest body-types in women?
#1 i kno this will be different from guy to guy...also how a sport makes a woman look will depend on the woman, 2...but i have sum examples...

...wrestlers are an example of the opposite 4 me...caulilower ear...super-muscly...kinda gross and unfaminine...same 4 mayb field hockey

...figure sk8rs, high-divers, water polo, tennis, track....i luv how sum of these women r...super-toned not too muscly....but enough weight off 'em to see their face structure....

...what do u think?

cardio bunnies is the correct answer here

Definitely would say soccer. Not softball! Lol

Have you seen the asses of volleyball players? I mean seriously how is there a debate?

polevaulting. go to youtube and watch polevaulting.

Women say swimmers have the best body esthetic

If it’s added then it’s gotta be soccer