Which vaccine?
Which vaccine is the best one and why? I have options to choose from and cant decide..

[+] 1 user Likes IdontCare1547's post
If you want a Covid-19 vaccine, choose none of the above, unless you want to fuck your body for life/die.

I don't support any of the vaccines but if somehow you got forced to take one go with Pfizer

Quote: I don't support any of the vaccines but if somehow you got forced to take one go with Pfizer
And pray to God that it's only one of their saline shot lots.

The only reason we're still dealing with this stupid virus is people not getting vaccinated, allowing it to mutate and adapt. I'd get Moderna if I were you -- studies in Israel show that the Pfizer vaccine's efficacy against the delta variant is lower (not sure we have data for Moderna yet). Thanks for getting vaccinated. Don't listen to the other people on here, their brains were poisoned by the internet.

[+] 1 user Likes rachelvoid777's post
I believe both Pfizer and Moderna are good picks.

JNJ, one shot!

Pfizer/moderna has the best effect against covid. Jnj not so much.

The best one is the one you can get as soon as possible

Neither just wash ya hands ya dirty bastards

[+] 1 user Likes TheNewportStrangler's post
Just spit on people.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
Most likely the Moderna vaccine will be similar to the Pfizer. Still, with the vaccine, vaccinated populations have reduced chance of critical illness.

[+] 1 user Likes dpamnsertnin's post
Pfizer is definitely the way to go in my opinion but take that with a grain of salt. Moderna will also do a good job.

Pfizer and Moderna both have the highest efficacy, but both require 2 shots so it can be a pain. J&J is single dose, but slightly less effective. However, all three are great at preventing serious illness/hospitalization/death, so you really can't go wrong with any one.

I and everyone I know have been vaxxed since early spring and no one has had any side effects, medical complications, or died. They are all safe because nothing in them is "new" per se; all of the ingredients have been part of other vaccines or trials for years now. The reason they were developed so quickly is because 1) massive amounts of money were thrown at them, which speeds anything up, and 2) they've been developing coronavirus vaccines for years now (I believe since the last outbreak in 2012), so it was really just a matter of figuring out which protein sequence worked on this strain of coronavirus and working it into a vaccine. It was really just the testing that took a better part of a year.

Pfizer apparently the best and not so bad

Pfizer. Although I got sick both times, the side-effects lasted less than 24 hours.

Pfizer requires less time between shots than Moderna, but other than that they really aren't that different from what I know.

Those people advising you to not take one at all do not know what quarantines and vaccines looked like before the 21st century. Villages were burnt, cities starved and with no cure.
We are extremely privileged to not just have a vaccine available, but have the option of not taking it. Historically, many countries made certain vaccines compulsory to deal with disease.

Anyways I'd go with Pfizer. Both Moderna and Pfizer currently show the best statistics from what I've seen, but Moderna might have some benefits over Pfizer that I don't know about. If Pfizer is not available then Moderna should do fine.

Pfizer is the best, big pharma will always dominate over the new players, thats jsut the way it is.

I got my 2 Pfizer shots and haven't been infected, even though I was around confirmed cases on a few occasions. I say go for it.

I personally got Pfizer but moderna seemed fine

one that works