Who here is still wearing a mask?
I’m fully vaccinated but I still wear my mask. I don’t know why dude. I just feel like it’s a habit? Any bros here mask free?

[+] 1 user Likes Extremegamer1337's post
I still do and i am fully vacced as well. Doesn't bother me and there's still a chance to get it albeit with tolerable symptoms. Still not rather be in bed for a couple days if i don't have to

[+] 1 user Likes lairdweller123's post
Masks are for those that want to be sick. Remember the 1918 Spanish Flu from high school history? Of those that died from this flu, the majority didn't die from the flu: They died from Bacterial Pneumonia, which was a result of wearing their masks too much. If they tell you to wear a mask, they're trying to kill you. Those masks do nothing but either make you sick, or keep you sick if you already are. Nothing but a P100 mask will keep you from getting the 'Rona.

i cant get vaccinated yet because small country so i still do

I'm vacced up and I'm over the mask thing

In my country it's still obligatory to wear mask inside public places. But outside I don't wear one. Even inside I try to at least take out my nose, because it's uncomfortable to breathe. I don't get idea behind wearing a mask outside.

vaxxed but still wearing - mostly habit at this point

[+] 1 user Likes rggrggr's post
Where I live masks are still obligatory, so yes. That said, there isn't really much to do apart from grocery shopping, so I don't wear one that often.

[+] 1 user Likes roddydes94's post
I am not vaccinated .. yet! We are not obliged to wear masks outside but I do wear mask .. Just to be sure so I won't get infected

Only half vac but I wouldn't mind wearing it post vac. mask+hat+glasses have been doing a good job covering up my acne and my crooked teeth :p

everyday may man

It's compulsory for us to wear masks when we're out too. As long as the pandemic doesn't blow over, yet I think I would continue wearing a mask for public safety reasons (as much as I prefer not to wear it).

Never worn one, I always just wear a sunflower necklace that indicates you are exempt, just got one for free at sainsburys

Vax'd too and I only wear when I absolutely have to. Like in grocery stores and markets etc. but never outside.

i dont particularly have a choice

Get your vaccine

Will before 70% is vaccinated

I’m vaxxed and wearing a mask because I don’t want people thinking I’m some republican piece of shit. Those anti-mask clods are the worst.

[+] 1 user Likes herefortehnoodz's post
i can't get vaccinate so i keep my mask right now, but keeping it is fucking uncomfortable

I only woear it in shops, or in public when mandatory