Who's your favorite director?
Personally I love Wes Andersons style. But I'm also getting into that Korean director Bong Joon Ho

Hayao Miyazaki but i'm definitely biased

SplashOfBlueberry Wrote:Personally I love Wes Andersons style. But I'm also getting into that Korean director Bong Joon Ho
I saw Snowpiercer, and it was OK. I wouldn't have called it out for directing. But Parasite is supposed to be amazing so I'm looking forward to seeing it. Anderson is always fun, and he has a way of drawing out really interesting performances from his actors. It's always... so... awkward  Smile

I know it's cliche but I love Stanley Kubrick. Clockwork Orange, Shining, and Full Metal Jacket. Awesome. And of course 2001!

Probably my fav is Nolan because i liked every single movie he made

Denis Villeneuve, pretty much all his films are great!!!

Quentin Tarantino and Guy Ritchie.

Tarantino and Hitchcock, I also like Kubrick movies a lot.

My favourite director is probably Sergio Leone. But I also really enjoy the works of Christopher Nolan and James Cameron.

I love everything Villeneuve is doing.

Edgar Wright love his movies. Especially the Cornetto Trilogy

Same as you ahaha  Big Grin

Federico Fellini

Has to be guy richie, he’s directed snatch and lock stock two smoking barrels

It has to be either Tarantino or Nolan for me. I enjoy all of their movies.

Panos casmatos

Same taste with me. Recommend Park Chan Wook

Definitely wihout a doubt Teruaki Murakami, If you're interested search it up.