Why Epic games give free games ?
I know that its for attract players, but i'm sure its a good idea. Now they have a community why they continue to give free games ?

so people keep using their store. If you have 30games on epic games, why should you use/install steam to buy games? Your entire library is already on epic store, thats their goal.



Free stuff is what attracts people. Epic gives out free games, people download them. Then they see Epic has games that look interesting but aren't free, so they buy them. Marketing 101/Steal from your competition 101.

I like free stuff.

More users using epic games - > More games purchased.

Epic games .

to build a bigger community. I'm all for Epic Games taking over steam in the rankings, seeing as steam is a massive steaming pile of hot garbage. It's literally a fucking web browser.

youd do the same if u had fortnite money

Cos they are really nice peeps

To get more people to use epic games

Even though its free its on epic games. Hard to get around to using

free games are good

You'll spend money on the free games. Which they make a percent off of too.

i mainly use epic to claim free games steam is my main platform when buying games i've never spent money on epic.
i don't know maybe in future if epic makes a profile stuff just like on steam where you can view your or friends profile i will use it more often