Why are people against wearing a mask
During this whole Covid-19 pandemic, one of the main thing that really shocked me is the amount of people who hate wearing a mask and will make any excuse to wear it. It’s such a small thing to do that can bring so much benefit. 

What’s everyone thoughts on it?

Some people might disagree that such a "small" thing can bring "so much" but i don't bother anyone.
I don't have the knowledge to participate in such a discussion therefore i simply wear a mask.

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if ya cant breath ya cant breath

Muh freedom. If you cant handle a mask you sure as shit wont enjoy intubation.

Because you can't breathe, I suppose. Honestly I'm not against it, also because right now we are forced by the situation

unless you have health breathing issues, you should wear a mask as its proven to reduce virus transmission rates...

Because of extreme polarization of political parties. Masks are not hard to breath out of, people just like being given orders for some reason

They don't want to be ordered around. They believe they're always right because of some 5 min google search or "God" gave em a mouth and nose to breathe and obstructing it is a sin. They see a minor inconvenience as oppression when clearly they're stuck up too high up their asses to see the reality going on around them.