Why are people openly racist?
I personally think it's trashy when people train their kids to mirror their hatred towards other people based on race. However, what goes through these people's minds to proclaim their racist views? Like I understand if they try to hide it at least and just act differently, but some people announce their feelings. Do they think they are changing other people's minds or just trying to provoke people?

Honeslty i think its just generational misinformation and fear about other races which comes out as racism. We are scared of the things we do not know

Yah I think it’s so dumb and ignorant too, don’t get it man

Exactly this. Humans has a natural fear for new things and things we don't understand. So it's easier to go with that fear and stay safe. 

What the world needs is to stop separate us for our differences. We are all humans with equal importance.

I also think a lot of the Racist behaviours and fear end up being passed on through families that didn't accept the change. If you look at the behaviour itself it's not a natural behaviour and is usually copied through childhood and watching the parents.

Racism is the natural state of humans, if you were never told racism is wrong, you will grow up thinking Racism is normal and OK. Just look at any culture outside of the west, the west is basically the only culture on Earth that culturally abhors racism. In countries like China, it's perfectly normal to post on the internet how much you hate white people, or that you are gleeful when Japanese people die.

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it's just brainwashing in parenting lol. there's a reason why whenever you see some super openly racist person, you can almost guarantee that their family is racist af too lol. it's a cycle that only time will reduce.

Generational, it’s what they’re taught and believe because of that

I think a lot of comes from ignorance