Why get a ps5 over a pc?
Can someone explain to me why the big excitement to get a ps5 over a pc? I havent seen any exclusive games for it that seem amazing and the pc seems like better financial and gaming value long term. Is there something I am missing?

Demon's Souls Wink

It's mainly exclusives honestly like ps4 had a lot of great exclusives IMO and ps5 will likely have the same but if i had to choose one i'd pick pc of course.

It’s pretty much just accessibility for people who aren’t as tech savvy and exclusives obviously. It’s also much more powerful than the ps4 and has access to all the great ps4 exclusives and the ps5 exclusive franchises that will release games in the near future

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you dont pc gang

pc preferably, dk whats all the hype for console is for

Honestly. Sometimes I like to console game if I'm just relaxing. It's nice laying in bed playing some game that doesnt require a lot of focus

Cost. If you're under a budgeta PS5 can deliver you good performance for your buck. The exclusives are just a bonus

Because there WILL be exclusive games for it eventually, and they'll be system sellers much as many of the PS4 first-party games have been.

Honestly, yeah I'm with you when it comes to building a pc over purchasing whatever console refresh that gets pumped out year after year.  The price and convenience of upgrading parts isn't even comparable between pc and console, the only thing you lose out on is console exclusive games and whatnot but honestly if it isnt released on pc a majority of the time i dont want to play it anyway but thats just me.

It's just the craze for the release of a new console from a big brand I think