Will Covid Stay For Ever?
Srsly. Even now Governments are considering if vaccinated people  have to take a third shot of vaccine and already decided to have yearly booster shots for everyone. I guess this disease will exist forever, like the Flu.



It might but I think things will eventually go back to normal

I do think it Will exist untill theres another diesease talang its place. Priot to covid SARS was prevalent as a yearly flu virus

Delta is coming, cannot wait for everything else! It'll be fun!

not forever just a long ass time because people just don’t have common sense and it’s sad really

Quote: Delta is coming, cannot wait for everything else! It'll be fun!
Sorry, that version, and all subsequent versions, can only be had by the vaxxed. The rest of us smart enough not to poison ourselves with it will be fine.

I don't think so, with our current technology and vaccines humanity should be able to recover

Will take a while tho since it's really hard to vaccinate everyone, and if we take too long more variations that are resistant to vaccines (like Delta) might appear

Well, this is a concerning matter. I have no idea if this will stay forever or not. But corona staying forever is very much possible.

A good chance it will never leave

Unfortunately, I think it will.

Won't go away but will fade into the background eventually and will likely be like the cold or influenza. Sooner the better, I want to travel

Quote: will likely be like the cold or influenza
Covid IS a flu. They made us go nuts over the FUCKING FLU. And its survival rate is only 99.987% on average. They should've used a better virus, like a weaponized smallpox or something. Instead, they just lied to us, and tried to kill all of us and destroy our economies.

Wouldn't be surprised if it ends up like the seasonal flu but a tad worst.

covid is basically here to stay. get used to it

It is evolving to not kill its host. We prevent severe disease through vaccines.

If think no, but i believe on anothers pand.

Depends on vaccine time

it's already proven it has the ability to mutate fast. it's not likely we will be able to eradicate it
even very old vaccines like polio are still a problem disease for some countries

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I think it will subside eventually

Nah, but it will take a long. I do not know why but i really am hoping that the situation gets worse.