Will Fortnite decline in the same way that PUBG has declined or will it stay strong?
Fortnite is obviously the most popular multiplayer game we've had for a while. It is obviously slowing down, but seems to have reached plateau in downfall compared to a game like PUBG with is pretty much a shadow of its former self. Will Fortnite stay at this comfortable level its at now or will it fall like PUBG has.

I think it'll benefit from being a kid's game at it's core, that demographic will last for a long time

Fortnite has a younger audience that will probably prolong its decline. Games like roblox have been around forever.

It'll probably decline soon enough. Overwatch, Hearthstone, etc a lot of games like that have come and gone are there, but the main thing we are have here is that more kids play fortnite because its availability on cellphones.

Now, we gotta see how it goes. Because Epic thinking its a big baddie thought it could violate their apple contract and stick around. No, I'm serious. Them doing what they did with apple was the dumbest thing they could've done. Now they got their app removed from the apple store and are getting sued because they attempted to violate their contract. Their intentions were known and obvious, and they even played it off on twitter for a bit (dumb move).

A lot of competitive fortnite players are quitting or dont really enjoy the game anymore so i dont know how the comp scene will last because right now its kind of a joke. But the casual base will most likely stay pretty big unless they fuck up hardcore

Seems like it has a strong core, especially among the younger demographics

Like everyone has said it has a pretty strong hold on the younger side of the market. That and Fortnite's love of adding in characters and events from other commercial properties (Star Wars, Marvel, Street Fighter) will probably help it hang around for a while