Will Google turn the market upside down with Stadia?
In the future you can play all games as stream with Stadia, you don't need a strong PC or console anymore, just a fast internet connection. Do you think Google could change the market with Stadia? Will you switch to it or do you prefer to continue investing in expensive hardware?

Maybe in the near future but what they are currently rolling out is terrible. Price for certain games are still full price when its much cheaper on other platforms.

[+] 1 user Likes anonttp's post
Kind of doubtful with how much flack it's currently garnering. Only time will tell though, if anyone has the cash to turn something around it'd be them.

Though the ultimate issue is if the internet quality is poor (which it is in The US at least) then Stadia dies with it. It very well could be the future, but I don't think it's the now.

I don't expect it to actually take off, streaming is getting better every year, but the demands for streaming quality, fast paced games is a little out of reach, and if the target audience is people who can't afford to get a nice PC or console, you also have to be able to pay for high speed, reliable internet.

no luckily stadia died off real quick

Stadia was dead on arrival.

Running worst than consoles.
Promise of 4k 60 not upheld.

Big failure from google.

[+] 1 user Likes roulf's post
Pretty much exactly this. Lots of promises, not lots of follow-up. And not much support from Google when it was released. I suspect they've lost most of their customers who thought it was going to be great, but wasn't.

I feels like there’s been no hype whatsoever, so no.

I see 2 big problems here.

1) Internet capabilities is not ready for this. No where near ready for this with action games.
2) Google has a branding issue. They are not reliable with their products that do not gain massive traction. They will shut it down like Google Reader and Google Allo. This causes game devs to look at Stadia and think: I'm not going to waste my resources on a product that will be abandoned soon. So in turn, little support from developers.

The Stadia they released recently soured people on the whole concept, I think. If they were to improve it and rerelease it, it might sway people better.

The rollout was terrible but the idea has potential. However I think many people still like to have the concept of owning the game physically. Also having to stream it is super heavy on your network useage if you don't have the necessary bandwidth the experience can be quite terrible.

remember OnLive? that was the first time someone attempted cloud gaming and it was a failure... stadia is the same as that

i think there will be fierce competition with google, MS and amazon since they all have huge cloud infrastructure and have been using it for livestreaming purposes the past few years

[+] 1 user Likes th3dissonanc3's post
I doubt it, current gaming platforms will move into streaming games as well once the capabilities are there
If they seriously want into gaming they'll end out buying valve

As you may already know, Stadia will not turn the market upside down

[+] 1 user Likes HELLOTHEREIMNEW's post