Will VBA remain relavent?
I learned VBA recently and I writing some automation code for data processing.
Yet, it seems that VBA is getting less and less attention compared to other data processing language.
Even Microsoft seems to want to go to an online version and I think is slowly facing it out.

Do people still use VBA?
Will my skills still be useful in the future?

Hope other VBA user can shed some light

[+] 1 user Likes WallyAlex's post
I think that you should try to learn another language like C#. Older languages like vba lack of compatibility with new libraries and projects, and many companies are converting older projects to newer languages. If you learn a C based language (Java, C#, c++, JavaScript...) your skills will remain useful for much longer

Do yourself a favor and learn how to do what you did in python... you'll make 200K+ in no time

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