Will any of you go and buy Mulan (2020) on opening release?
After many delays due to Covid 19, Mulan is finally set for release on Sept 4th 2020 on Disney+. However a subscription isn't enough, Disney is asking for $30 USD if you want to watch it on immediate release. Interesting move considering it's digital and they promised that it'll be eventually be released for subscribers who don't want to pay the $30. I personally have no interest in a live action Mulan film, but some people are. What are your reasons for or against buying/watching this film?

In my region won't be available until 2021!!??I will just take a trip to the US to play this amazing game also did you know Mulan has her own movie??

no, I feel like the film won’t be watching. Primarily because of the pro-china sentiments of the lead actress
$30 also not worth on top of sub

I wonder how long before it's free...

It's not worth buy because 1. It'll be free on Disney + eventually 2. You can still watch the regular Mulan, the live action remakes haven't lived up to most of the originals. 3. The price is just too steep. I think $20 would have worked better.

I think $30 is a bit too much. Gotta take in the factor your already paying for the subscription service as well.

No. I would not support a movie whose protagonist is played by a person who constantly licks the ass of a government that takes away basic human rights from its people and limit freedom of speech.

I loved the original, so I might check it out

I think it will be a good movie but wont be long before it becomes free on the subscription, so not worth buying imo.

Certainly not !!!!!!!!!!!!

I don’t watch enough movies to bother buying, I’ll stick to streaming sites like Netflix

My girlfriend was really excited for it so probably will end up shelling out the money for it. The way I see it, at least we won’t have to be paying for popcorn and drinks.

rarbg dot to
yts dot ag

spare those $30 of yours and buy yourself a nice meal, disney's gettin greedy with that price within a price wall...

The movie doesn't interest me so I won't be buying it.

only way i'd watch is if i have friends willing to chip in. stacking that extra cash ontop of the disney plus subscription is overkill. plus they don't even got my guy eddie murphy