Will bacteria or viruses EVENTUALLY wipe out the human race?
With covid today and past diseases like the Spanish flu and the Black Plague, Will human kind eventually be doomed by some super virus in the future? Or will the planet die off first?

Humans are taking precautions in preventing antibiotic resistant bacteria and vaccinating against common viruses. I think we are progressing towards being less susceptible against communicable diseases (although covid might be an outlier) and I don't think diseases will necessarily be the thing to wipe out humanity as there is progress being made in healthcare and technology.

No lol, it's more likely for climate change to end modern civilization.

yeah probably

Eventually yes, sooner or later we won't be able to live on this planet anymore, but guess who are the masters of change and adaptability..

I think they will tbh. With global warming and a lot of permafrost melting, we'll see more and more thawing animals with god knows what in them.

Nope because we need those to survive eventually we will just evolve

I agree with this

No I don’t think so. We seem to keep evolving and our science and technology is improving

no XD i dont think so because they found vaccin for pretty much all viruses so yeah

Seems like it

Probably, if AI or climate change doesn't kill us first. There are a lot of movies about this kind of thing, and for good reason. The plot to I Am Legend is based on a vaccine wiping out civilization. I don't think a future virus/vaccine will be "zombies", but rather just killing people off.

Considering our population, it would be very unlikely, just naturally due to the biodiversity in our genetics.

Wipe out? No. But a culling of the population will eventually occur. Who knows at what point. So many diseases are antibiotic resistant already. The mutate and get stronger. It's just how it is in the world of viruses and diseases.

Its possible, I believe humans may have the longest or one of the longest reigns as the dominant species on earth without mass extinction. It could be luck it could be due to our intelligence and creativity, I personally think its both. There could be a random disease that could appear and wipe us all out i think its highly unlikely as we have people (humans) that are so unbelievably smart and hard working that finding a cure for said disease is almost inevitable. Who knows.