Will mobile games ever make a come back?
Mobiles games are now filled with ads and generally lacking in quality.

i think itll stay this way. apple arcade couldnt even do it

Easiest way to make money, so why would developers do anything different

As long as people keep downloading and giving the devs money with the ads, I doubt the system would change. The people keep downloading and the devs keep getting money. There is just no incentive for them.

Well Blizzard is supposed to release Diablo Immortal this year

I don't think mobile games will garner any more good will even if THE best game in the world is mobile only.

Yes, they do, just like how game console make it during the pc era last time

Mobile games are just interactive billboards now anyways. I only played them when I didn't have access to my laptop.

World of tank and Free fire is good man