Will vaccine save us from the current situation?
With the reinfection cases happening, do you think that vaccine is gonna save us from it?

Let's discuss it.

[+] 1 user Likes caesar_caesar's post
I would say no cause the virus keeps evolving and people can get infected again even after being sick already meaning antibodies dont last

Maybe? I think it depends.

The way the world looks is very scary, and personally I wouldn't trust much of anything that any government wanted in my body right now, the social conditioning and excessive rules are enough.

Just one tool to defend ourselves but not the outright cure.

Most likely no, ever get the flu vaccine? You get sick from it and there is no guarantee it will keep you from getting sick. Then you need another one the next year and so on.

I think not cause its like the flu

Don't think that will help to resolve this isse

I mean, I've seen I Am Legend so it could go either way i guess haha


I would have to guess yes, but not immediately. In terms of business owners (especially restaurants) people would most likely feel safe eating out again or going to stores in general as many people want to risk further spreading the disease. The economy would obviously benefit from this.

[+] 1 user Likes Crejaccount's post
yes, vaccines will help tremendously but it won't be a one and done, just like any other vaccine

I think it'll have to be a combination of a vaccine and then actual strict lockdowns is the only way to do it...which I highly doubt would happen.

I don't think so. Too many people are afraid of them for some reason.

Vaccines will definitely help the same way it helps with the flu. At least, for the covid-19 strain. People keep making a point that covid will mutate. Yeah, the flu mutates every year, and every year we get a vaccine. Additionally, not all mutations result in something as deadly to humans as this strain is.

It won't matter if people don't get it. Vaccines should never have been politicized.

Economically the economy is wounded. This debt crisis is not a joke. We are looking head on into a recession.

Probably will save us in long term, unless the virus mutates

I think that vaccine is gonna be a short term solution because of the chances of virus mutation