Will you be getting vaccinated?
With a global effort of working kn a vaccine, and a growing population of anti-vaxxers, where does your stance lie?

Personally I'm going to wait a few months initially to see if the vaccine works or if people still end up getting infected.

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If it's safe, yeah.

Yep, if it does not have other effects

Not looking to be a guinea pig myself. If they want to roll it out to the public, then unless it's compulsory I think I agree with the OP that I'd rather wait 6 months or so to see what the effects are in those who've taken it. If it's still safe then yeah, sure.

I've been vaccinated a couple times as a kid I really dont understand why people are scared of vaxs, its just retarded

yeah after they tested it enough

Sounds like a good idea

Once they've proven the vaccine is safe. Right not, none are close. We will see if Pfizer knows what they're doing.

Will do. It is thanks to vaccines that we don't have mangled legs due to polio and a whole shebang of other shitty diseases.

I will 100% Can't wait for this to end!