Wisdom teeth
Denist advised me to get my bottom wisdom teeth removed within the year, is it an awful experience? Not looking forward to getting doped up and out of commission for a few days

[+] 1 user Likes chad74865067's post
Not worth losing them. I'd just ignore it. At the least, go get a second opinion.

It’s kind of a pain so if you can avoid then avoid

Just had one removed last month and getting another within this year. The pain wasn't too bad though. Just getting plenty of rest and pain meds.

[+] 1 user Likes Alffffff8989's post
You're not going to be doped. The removal is very quick, it takes about 2 minutes to pull it. They injected into my jaw and within a day I was good to go. It's not scary like people make it seem. My experience with it has been overwhelmingly positive.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
It didnt hurt for me, but the stitches were very unconfortable for a few days.
If the destist recommended you to remove them, its because they may cause problems in the future

^ they did not need to stitch me, which means that for you they had to cut. They didn't have to cut me, I bled for a bit but that's it. Took a day to recover.

get a second opinion. wisdom teeth aren’t always necessary to get removed, it’s a money-making scheme for a lot of dentists. doesn’t mean you don’t need yours out tho. the only thing i hate was having to use a syringe to clean out the sockets where ur teeth were. food gets trapped in there and it smells fucking nasty. don’t eat anything with crumbs, no chips, crackers, granola, etc. it will get stuck in the sockets and it’s hard to get out and can cause an infection. i’ll never forget the smell it’s fucking horrible ugh best of luck man

It depends on the teeth. I only needed local anesthesia and the dentist was able to pull it out, but I know for impacted teeth they may require an oral surgeon.

I had all 4 taken out about 5 years ago. It wasn't as bad for me as every one said. Supposedly the older you are the worse it is, but I was 20, and I could've gone back to work (in a call center) more quickly than the 3 days I took off.

Good luck

My WT were super easy, was knocked out, and woke up with gauze in my mouth. Should be pretty simple. Feels different for about a month, but your mouth adjusts.

Yeah if not hurting, leave well enough alone.  But once they begin to hurt, the 2-3 day pain after removal far better than the pain they cause.

It honestly wasn’t that bad

If they aren't causing you pain nor are they displacing your other teeth than no need to remove them