Work Thread
So I currently have a boss that decides everything that I do is wrong. Now you may be thinking that is unlikely but my example is: my computer needed to restart so I clicked start and restarted it. He came by and asked me why my computer was restarting. I explained to him why that was. I was then told I restarted it wrong. "Your supposed to hold the power button so that it turns off faster". mind you this is a smart guy that should know better but just needed to belittle me. 

What is your awful boss story?

My former boss literally believed was capable of doing everything, even without any expertise. So he often created a mess whenever he tried to do stuff i didnt have the ability to do.

well i was fired soooo

my worst boss told me he felt I was underpaid for what I do...even though he made about twice as much I did

Never had anything worse happen to me than a guy not paying me tbh. Most likely because i don't take shit from anyone haha