World's richest Man
We know Jeff Bezos is the world's richest man. He could end world poverty if he wants to but instead he chose to go to space (no even into actual space)...
If you were him, What would you do?

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Jeff Bezos can not end world poverty just because he has money. thats not how it works.

Also, and i can be wrong here, most of "his" money is Amzaon stock

Isnt zuckerberg richer?

Quote:Isnt zuckerberg richer?

No, Bezos and Musk are two of the richest at the moment, they keep overtaking 1st and 2nd place.

Bezos does what his masters tell him. Bezos is considered to be "New Money" by the Old Guard, who are in charge. Even then, he wouldn't have that money, unless the Old Guard let him. That world above us is very complicated and follows rules that we plebians don't know about. And people like Bezos, Musk, Gates, Musk, Zuck, etc, are the public faces for the Old Guard, and do what the Old Guard tells them.

Buy the world

Bezos will not give his money away lol

Vladimir Putin is the real richest man in the world

Net worth is super different from cash on hand.