Worst film of all time
What is the literally the worst movie you have watched completely.  For me the movie was called "Rubber" and no it's not a porno but a movie about a sentient psychic tire( yes from a car) that goes around killing people by blowing their heads up.

I gotta say the new John Henry movie with Terry Cruise is terrible

haha. if someone tells me a movie is pretty bad, i usually gotta check it out and see how bad it is.
cant remember what the last one i watched was

rubber sounds funny.
wiki says it got good reviews though so its probably some art film with some stupid hidden meaning

Mine is Bloodshot , Cats

Rise of Skywalker for me. Half baked and shitty pacing made for a boring and dull experience

One of the worst - maybe not the worst I've EVER seen but the one that popped in my head - is "Downsizing" with Matt Damon and others. It was absolutely horrible. Interesting idea, but you can tell that's all they ever had, was an interesting idea.

Birdemic: Shock and Terror.
Hands down worst movie I have ever seen, it looks like some kid in middle school made it as a school project. The absolute worst part? They actually made a sequel.

Gerry with Matt Damon and Casey Affleck.

The room is pretty trash

my wedding film, such a fucc, full of lies and disappiontments

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Yg gcybinicyvg

Jenny wedding

Transformy movies