Worst game you've EVER played
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I'm talking toxic mechanics and generally unfunny gameplay that made you want to uninstall the game.

[+] 1 user Likes [email protected]'s post
HOTS is the my word game ever

[+] 2 users Like 감자빅킹왕짱제네럴's post
LastOfUs2 is the my word game ever

What's HOTS?

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Especially the zombie section. Gave me a fucking headache every time I played it.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
People super toxic in warzone

too many to name, maybe fallout4

Red dead 2 was cheel

i am just trying to find a good thread for good cinversations.

this is a good thread for a convo

Anyone remember Ace of Spades?

as of now elder scrolls online the graphics are somehow worse than skyrims

heavy rain... boooring

Metal Gear Survive for me. It was way too bad for the serie.

Quite a tough question as I have played a ton of different games over the years, but I guess even if not the worst, the most disappointing for sure was Starpoint Gemini 2. I was relatively young when I bought it and it looked so cool, but when I actually launched it it was just utter garbage, I still remember how disappointed I was to this day.

Final Fantasy 13. Preordered it any everything, and got treated to a boring game with trash characters.

I think Max Payne 3 was the worst

League of Legends, fucking team

idk if it's still buggy, but cyberpunk at launch did not sit well with me. it was to be expected though