Would You Rather Be Able To Control Time, Or Be Able To Know What Other People Are Th
I’d pick knowing others thoughts over controlling time. I wouldn’t know what to do if I was able to control time. If I knew other’s thoughts, I’d be able to handle and control situations every time. It would also be great to truly know what someone thinks about me.

i think i would choose to control time as knowing what other people are thinking could be something you might regret lol

easy. control time.

i couldn't care less what other people are thinking and knowing what other people are thinking would probably make me depressed lol

Control of time is more important because you can always rewind time. Watch what they do, you then know what they think, and thus you can reverse time, and make situations happen in your favor.

Control of time, don't care about what others think about me

Control time cuz basically I get to do do what I want

Probably the ability to control time.. theoretically you can go back in time to trial and error things yeah? (not assuming parallel timelines and bla bla bla)

I think they’re both useful but I’d personally have to go with controlling time. There’s something about being able to have an infinite re do for any situation that draws me to that answer

Honestly i wouldnt want to know what others are thinking

Control time, easy. Knowing what other's are thinking doesnt really help you with anything

definetly control time

Easy. Time control. That's like asking would you rather prefer a car or unicycle lol. The benefits and potential of the first choice is like a 100 times better than the second

Time, then I could time the market instead of time in the market

Depends if i Can control whoever or whenever I hear someones thoughts id probably go with that over time control

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Controlling time would make me the most powerful human on the earth and I wouldn’t care what people are thinking at that point

Time control. Easy money.

Just commenting lol

Time over mind control

Control time easily, dont care what others are thinking and its of no use to me

Stopping time for sure. Knowing others thoughts sounds awful to me lol