Would you date a girl with an Onlyfans account?
And let’s say she isn’t popular yet and mainly post mild tease pictures only. Her reason is it helps her pay some of the bills and essentials. How would you feel/react?

[+] 1 user Likes Tim Man's post
Sure why not

I wouldn't simp

would test for STDs first to be safe

[+] 2 users Like hey ho hi's post
I don't think I would date a girl who showed her face on OF - don't want random people recognizing her

No way! Or I'd wind up like dubbz simping on a fucking youtube video

[+] 1 user Likes Jellojeff's post
Not if it´s her only way to earn money... if it´s like a nice tip for shopping - ok

Don't see why not.

I think my only requirement would be that she will have to have a good reason for having an onlyfans account like to pay for college or something.

I don’t know, that’ll make me too jealous probably

Depends on what she posts and why she's doing it but generally, no.

if im allowed to guest star then sure

I personally could not bring myself to do it if it came to it.

yeah i would date but not for long term i would eventually look for a way out non-only fans related so i maintain my dignity lol. if ur dating a OF chick you just gotta realize she aint yours its just your turn...

yeah i would not mind

Absolutely, don't see why not.

I don't see an issue with it. Job's a job!

Sure but she Def wouldn't meet my family

If her face is never shown and she keeps it lowkey why not.

most definitely! a girl with great confidence!